Πέμπτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2014



Walt Disney Α.Ε.

 Ο Walt Disney, ήταν ένας 33 βαθμός Freemason της Scottish Rite και ολόκληρη τη ζωή του, έχει υφάνει τα θέματα από τις Μυστηριακές Σχολές στο μυαλό των παιδιών με το σκοπό να τα κάνει να οικειοποιηθούν τον αποκρυφισμό στο μέλλον.
 Ο Walt Disney χρησιμοποιεί το Le Sacre du Printemps (η Ιεροτελεστία της Άνοιξης), ως μουσική για την ταινία Fantasia... Αυτό το κομμάτι της μουσικής γράφτηκε ως μια αποκρυφιστική τελετή, όπου μια παρθένος θυσιάζεται χορεύοντας μέχρι θανάτου. .
 Σύμφωνα με πληροφοριοδότες της CIA  σε αντίθεση με το σχετικό νόμο, εργολάβοι της CIA κλήθηκαν να χτίσουν τις υπόγειες σήραγγες κάτω από Disneyworld το 1977.
 Αυτοί οι ανάδοχοι είχαν ορκιστεί να τηρούν εχεμύθεια, αλλά ενημερώθηκαν μόνο για την ανάγκη να γνωρίζουν το βασικό λόγο για τον οποίο η CIA συμμετείχε σε ένα πάρκο ψυχαγωγίας.
  Για να εργαστούν για το έργο της μυστικής σήραγγας  πήραν μια "Πάνω απ 'Top Secret" κάθαρση.
  Ένα σημαντικό κέντρο προγραμματισμού κατασκευάστηκε κάτω από τη λίμνη Holden.
 (Πολλές από τις λίμνες στη Φλόριντα ονομάζονται λίμνη Έτσι-και-έτσι, αντί Έτσι-και-έτσι La ke.)
 Το σύστημα της σήραγγας χτίστηκε για τον προγραμματισμό (δημιουργία ψυχικού-διανοητικού) τραύματος που εκεί βασίζεται ο συνολικός έλεγχος του νου - ελέγχονται δηλαδή τα παιδιά ως σκλάβοι.....
 Χτίστηκε από σκυρόδεμα με χάλυβα οπλισμού σκυροδέματος.
 H Λίμνη Holden βρίσκεται ακριβώς στην βορειοδυτική πλευρά του Διεθνoύς Αεροδρομίου του Orlando και ακριβώς νότια του Interstate 4 (Είναι κοντά στην τοποθεσία 29E για χάρτες quad.) Είναι μόνο (σε ευθεία γραμμή) 12 χιλιόμετρα από τον Ντόναλντ Ντακ.
Παρά τα δρακόντεια μέτρα για τήρηση του απορρήτου, πολλές αγωγές  υποβλήθηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια των ετών από θύματα , προσπαθώντας να αποκαλύψουν τις σήραγγες προγραμματισμού της Disneyworld, έτσι ώστε τελικά το κέντρο προγραμματισμού να αποσυναρμολογηθεί, και να καθαριστεί.
Ο Disney ήθελε να παράγει περισσότερες ταινίες για "ενήλικους" , έτσι έκανε μια μικρή κινηση του χεριού του και δημιούργησε την ετικέτα " Touchstone ταινίες", έτσι ώστε οι άνθρωποι δεν θα συνδέσουν ταινίες όπως το Splash (η οποία έδειξε κάτι που έμοιαζε γυμνά στήθη) με την Disney Productions.
 Μια άλλη ετικέτα, η "Hollywood Pictures", δημιουργήθηκε από τον Disney για να βοηθήσει τη διανομή των ταινιών της Touchstone .
Αρχικά το προσωπικό των εταιρειών αυτών ήταν απλά το προσωπικό της Disney, αλλά όσο περνούσε ο καιρός, πήραν το δικό τους προσωπικό παραγωγής.

ΠΗΓΗ: ΜΕΤΑΦΡΑΣΗ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΑΡΘΡΟ  www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/waltdisney.htm



Yes, this isn't news to anyone, this already was discussed here, but after all what EXACTLY do you know about the Illuminati pedophile agenda of Walt Disney company?? And how much do you know???
I'm sure that, due the economic crisis, terrorist threats, endless wars and imminent social disorders, the most of North-American people aren't paying the due attention to one of the most sinister, evil and destructive threats to US social structure: The Disney Illuminati pedophile agenda.
And please don't say - "Oh no, not this again!", 'cos is exactly what they want, exactly what they need. Time and ignorance. Few years ago, the Walt Disney children mind control perverted agenda was severely exposed. Massive scandals involving children pornography with employees of theme parks and members of high staff and a public crusade led by the organizations as American Mothers and religious groups. The storm became a huge hurricane. The urban legends about subliminal porno messages in movie frames, cartoons and Disney merchandising, became several legal charges and arresting of employees, based in more and more denounces of witnesses or people that were directly or indirectly sexually abused in the Disney parks. But it seems that the circumstances favored the cover up of the evil agenda behind Disney company. Also it seems that they got stronger and bigger. The Disney company just acquired Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion, what suggest that the evil agenda is going to another chapter...
Then lets do a brief review of the prior chapters:

Walt Disney was part of an Illuminati family. His initial interest was not in kids in the way you might think, but he was in fact a sexual pervert and pedophile, which was displayed in everything he did. He was also a big time occultist, a 33° Freemason, member of the "Order of DeMolay" and during decades his sinister agenda remained hidden behind all those cartoons, magazines, movies etc. An agenda to control children’s minds.
Disney productions over the years are filled with Masonic symbolism, mind control and indoctrination through subliminal messages. They are preparing the younger generations for the NWO as well as introduce them to sorcery (black magic). Many current celebrities that have started their careers in Disney shows, as Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake, are indeed puppets and mind control victims and the scandals they are usually involved, give us a clue about what you learn inside Disney world and for what you are prepared.

Disney Freemason commemorative postcard

Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears started their careers as "Mouseketeers". After grown up, they became artists with strong sensual appeal, with works extremely sexist.

Christina Aguilera, also was a "Mousekeeter" and it seems that she was severely affected by Disney mind's programing.

Yes, is Aguilera in the picture you see above, yes the guy inside Donald's suit is doing exactly what you see and yes, the photo was taken inside a Disney theme park.
Sexual perversion and sexualization of children are in the top of Disney company's agenda. The current mind controlled puppet is the teen pop artist Miley Cyrus and jugding by her successful career, it seems that North-american society is losing the battle against Illuminati-Disney propaganda.

The product is sold within that package, is announced by Disney as having the shape of a "guitar" or a "microphone", but definitely what you see looks like something else... Click here to see it without censor blur.

Also Disney company has a line of underwear to children and its merchandising doesn't spares no one, once that the little girl on outdoor was fully exposed in sexy poses. And below, fancy erotic clothes to adult people.

In the picture below, judging by the clothes of the second employee at left and the way the second employee at right, is staring at her, we can realize what happens within Disney theme parks.

The images above perfectly corroborate this data below:

  • Jack Enter, a former Atlanta detective, has studied the Peeping Tom Phenomenon at Disney. He's been called as a witness to trials involving Magic Kingdom Peepers involving restrooms, changing rooms and dressing rooms. In one reported incident, Disney merely taped over the holes with duct tape. "It was amazing," said Enter. "So many guys had been standing on the ceiling pipe looking into the room that the insulation was worn off the top of the pipe". It would stand to reason though, that if someone is a pervert, pedophile, peeping Tom or Just One Of Those Types, like any "criminal" they gravitate and seek out the environment that allows them to pursue their habits. To these people Disneyland is well....just like a Disneyland.

  • When asked about this, Security Officer Hertog said, "Boys will be boys. This has been going on at Disney for 20 years. A large workforce will attract oddballs". However it's gotten worse - an investigations manager could recall only one case older than 15 years.

  • Rich Jeeley confessed in a Disney Security Statement that he regularly flashed guests at the park for over a year. Disney knew he had an "extensive"' criminal sex crimes record but did nothing until he was caught peeing through guest hotel bedroom windows at night. They fired him but never notified the police.

  • Maintenance worker Vince Amato was caught peeping on guests trying on clothes in the fitting room of the Disney Village Market "Captain's Tower". He was reported three times. Disney's answer was to transfer him to another job.

  • Employees caught exposing themselves to park guests or peeping on "guests" in changing rooms in stores, even if they are children, have in the past been fired but not turned over to authorities.

  • A transportation supervisor who worked at Disney was arrested after contacting a 13 year old boy on AOL's "Orlando" chat room using his Disney connections and promises of Disney stuff as a reward. When arrested by police they said he had so much Disney merchandise at his home it 'looked like a shrine'. (And since this chat room is a known hot bed for Disney Pervs to hang out in, does AOL monitor the chat in the Orlando chat room 24/7? Of course not.)

  • This same chat room was where Matt Irwin thought he hit paydirt in the form of a 13 year old girl, who turned out to be a cop. He told the 'girl' he worked for Disneyland and gave her a number to reach him at; which turned out to be his number all right - at the Animation section at Disney studios. Irwin had previously won an Emmy for his work on "Winnie the Pooh".

 [edit on 1-4-2010 by ucalien]   

ΠΗΓΗ: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread557408/pg1


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